Posts Tagged ‘meals on wheels’
Join the #SaveLunch Movement with Communities Nationwide in March
Help fight senior hunger and isolation in Hancock County
GREENFIELD, IN (March 13, 2024) – Meals on Wheels of Hancock County is proud to be participate in #SaveLunch – a nationwide campaign led by Meals on Wheels America designed to rally communities around our senior neighbors and protect the essential services that enable so many to remain healthy and independent at home.
Meals on Wheels of Hancock County’s #SaveLunch participation includes activities in March to honor the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program anniversary. We’re spreading awareness and recognition of the #SaveLunch campaign at our Spring Designer Purse Bingo Bash, Thursday, March 21 at St. Michael. Meals on Wheels also hosts a visit on Wednesday, March 27 from Greenfield Mayor Guy Titus, who will present a signed Senior Nutrition Programs Proclamation as well as tour the Circle of Care nonprofit hub, the new home to Meals on Wheels of Hancock County and other service-oriented nonprofits.
“In the last several years, we have experienced an increase in the demand for our services in Hancock County — especially during COVID when we saw upwards of a 66% increase,” said Meals on Wheels Executive Director Lynda Kosh. “We have been in awe of the outpouring of support so far, and there’s still much we can do to ensure everyone in need of our vital lifeline can benefit from being well-nourished and more connected to our community through this challenging time and beyond.”
“There’s still much we can do to ensure everyone in need of our vital lifeline,” said Meals on Wheels Executive Director Lynda Kosh.
To donate locally to the #SaveLunch campaign, click here. Choose #SaveLunch under the Donor Designation to help us address, and promote awareness of, senior hunger and isolation specifically.
Meals on Wheels of Hancock County benefits the local community by aiding disabled and aging individuals to remain in their homes as long as possible. Due to illness, disability or age, they are unable to prepare, or otherwise obtain, nutritious meals for themselves.
“We are the only meal program in the county that delivers physician-prescribed meals,” Kosh said. “That’s including therapeutic and regular diets that are individually packed based on the client’s dietary requirements.”
This month’s national #SaveLunch efforts commemorate the historic day in March of 1972 when the Older Americans Act was amended to include a nutrition program for Americans 60 years and older. More than 50 years later, 12 million older Americans are still threatened by or experience hunger, and one in three seniors feels lonely. That is why Meals on Wheels programs from across the country are joining forces to raise awareness and support to ensure we can continue to address food insecurity and malnutrition, combat social isolation, enable independence and improve health for decades to come.
“Now is an important time for us to unite to ensure that Meals on Wheels is there for all of our senior neighbors in need,” said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. “In the face of soaring demand and costs that surpass our current resources, we need to come together as communities to bridge the gaps. I encourage you to participate by donating, volunteering or speaking out for seniors throughout March to play your part. We can’t do it alone – it takes all of us to save lunch for our seniors.”
For more information on how you can volunteer, contribute or speak out for the seniors in Hancock County this March, visit
About Meals on Wheels of Hancock County
Meals on Wheels of Hancock County was established in 2001 in Greenfield, Indiana, to meet the needs of local senior and at-risk communities. Our mission is to help the citizens of Hancock County maintain an independent lifestyle through the delivery of nutritious meals in accordance with prescribed dietary needs, and provide a point of personal contact with the community.
About Meals on Wheels America
Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation. Powered by a trusted volunteer workforce, this network delivers a comprehensive solution that begins with a meal and is proven to enable independence and well-being through the additional benefits of tailored nutrition, social connection, safety and much more. By providing funding, programming, education, research and advocacy, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time.
On the Road to Meet Indy Subaru Share the Love Event Dealerships
INDIANAPOLIS — On Jan. 2, 2023, Meals on Wheels of Hancock County Executive Director Lynda Kosh met with Indianapolis Subaru dealers to thank them for participating in the 2023-24 Subaru Share the Love Event. She visited Dreyer & Reinbold, Falcone Subaru, and Tom Wood Subaru, all in Indy, with cupcakes from the Confection Connection Cafe & Bakery in Greenfield.

Sharing the love with Indy Subaru dealers who help support Meals on Wheels through the Subaru Share the Love Event. Thank you to Andy Thimlar of Dreyer & Reinbold Subaru!

Our Subaru Share the Love Event with Meals on Wheels America wraps today, and we’re sharing our love for Indy dealerships! Our Executive Director, Lynda Kosh, enjoyed meeting General Manager Gary Weinbrecht at Falcone Automotive and discussing the impact of this giving event.

Fun stop at Tom Wood Subaru with surprise cupcakes from The Confection Connection Bakery to share our love for Indianapolis Subaru dealers! Thank you to Tom Wood Subaru General Manager Scott Reckley for helping foster personal and community connections through the Subaru Share the Love Event. We loved the camping set-up. We’re ready for summer!
United Way of Central Indiana Awards Meals on Wheels of Hancock County for Basic Needs
INDIANAPOLIS – United Way of Central Indiana has awarded $12.45 million to 60 Hoosier nonprofits, including Meals on Wheels of Hancock, to help meet the basic needs of our region’s most vulnerable neighbors.
United Way’s Basic Needs Fund is intended to address access to food, housing, health care and transportation. Funding also is granted to organizations proposing improvements to practices and policies that help eliminate barriers for people seeking services.
A committee of 17 people – United Way board members, staff and community volunteers – reviewed applications and selected the recipients and grant amounts, which range from $45,000 to $360,000. Organizations receiving funding are accredited with United Way of Central Indiana, and grants will be distributed over 18 months. All 60 nonprofits that applied received funding.
The funds will help more than 90,000 people in the region have access to essentials, said Sara VanSlambrook, United Way’s chief impact officer.
“These grants are important because they support community organizations that are meeting the most essential needs of our community, like food and housing and transportation and health,” she said.
Basic Needs Fund grantees for 2023-2024:
Alternatives Inc – $125,000
American Cancer Society – $45,000
At Your School, Inc. – $75,000
The Arc of Greater Boone County, Inc. – $100,000
Boone County Senior Services, Inc. – $90,000
Bosma Enterprises – $75,000
Boys & Girls Club of Boone County – $120,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis – $275,000
Burmese American Community Institute – $210,000
Catholic Charities Indianapolis, Inc. – $325,000
CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions – $360,000
Community Alliance of the Far Eastside – $300,000
Concord Neighborhood Center – $275,000
Damien Center – $345,000
Edna Martin Christian Center – $345,000
Family Promise of Hendricks County – $125,000
Fathers and Families Center – $120,000
Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center – $150,000
Firefly Children & Family Alliance – $300,000
Flanner House of Indianapolis, Inc. – $345,000
Foster Success – $90,000
Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana – $325,000
Hawthorne Community Center – $300,000
Hendricks County Senior Services – $300,000
Horizon House, Inc. – $345,000
HVAF of Indiana, Inc. – $180,000
Indiana Legal Services, Inc. – $75,000
Indiana Youth Group – $225,000
Indianapolis Legal Aid Society – $180,000
Indianapolis Urban League – $275,000
John Boner Neighborhood Centers – $325,000
The Julian Center – $175,000
La Plaza, Inc. – $165,000
Little Red Door Cancer Agency – $225,000
Lutheran Child and Family Services – $325,000
Martin Center Sickle Cell Initiative – $100,000
Martin Luther King Community Center – $210,000
Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center – $300,000
Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana – $250,000
Meals on Wheels of Hancock County – $100,000
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic – $90,000
New Hope of Indiana – $200,000
Noble, Inc. – $300,000
PrimeLife Enrichment – $75,000
Public Advocates in Community Re-Entry (PACE) – $165,000
Reach For Youth – $60,000
The Salvation Army Indiana – $300,000
Second Helpings – $360,000
Sheltering Wings – $210,000
Shepherd Community Center – $90,000
Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County – $250,000
Southeast Community Services – $225,000
St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center – $200,000
Stability First – $50,000
Tangram, Inc. – $250,000
TeenWorks, Inc. – $175,000
The Villages of Indiana, Inc. – $300,000
Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana – $300,000
WellSpring – $125,000
YMCA of Greater Indianapolis – $150,000
Great Lakes Ace Hardware Grand Opening Benefits Meals on Wheels
Great Lakes Ace Hardware Greenfield Celebrating
Grand Opening Weekend – Meals on Wheels of Hancock County Benefits
Greenfield, IN March 28, 2023 – Great Lakes Ace Greenfield is celebrating the recent opening of the store located at 1240 N. State St. with a special sale / fundraiser that benefits Meals on Wheels of Hancock County. The 3-day celebration is planned for Friday, March 31 – Sunday, April 2, 2023.
Customers who donate $5.00 to the Meals on Wheels of Hancock County will receive a 5-gallon paint bucket and the opportunity to save 20% on almost everything they purchase during the celebration. Complete details of the sale are available in store. This is an opportunity to stock up on everything you need for spring projects around the house or maybe something fun for your backyard oasis. 100% of the funds collected will go directly to the Meals on Wheels of Hancock County to support feeding those served by the program.
The official Chain Cutting ceremony held in conjunction with the Greenfield Chamber of Commerce and all who would like to participate will be Friday March 31, at 9 a.m. Refreshments will be served. David Townes, manager and his team will be there to Welcome everyone in to the new store.
Friday there will be experts from a number of vendors available to answer questions and talk about
what’s available. There will be a representative from Scotts present who will be giving away a Scotts 4- Step lawn program, the Milwaukee tool rep will be there to help find everything in the mega tool department. The local Ace Handyman Services team will be there, so if you are pressed for time or overwhelmed with projects they can discuss how they might help relieve your load.
There will be prize drawings and free stuff throughout the weekend. Visit every day for a chance to win a Trager or Weber grill, Milwaukee tools and more.
If one of your projects is updating your kitchen cabinets Friday at 10am there will be a hands on demo “Bring your Door to Our Door” hosted by an expert from Benjamin Moore paint from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Bring in a cabinet door and find out how best to freshen up the finish with Benjamin Moore Paint. All demo participants will be eligible to register to win a $150 room refresh package including what you need to get that next paint project going.
On Saturday April 1, there is more excitement and free stuff. The first 50 customers to visit with a dull knife will get one free knife sharpening. Bring in a dull kitchen knife and see how quick and easy it is with the Great Lakes Ace knife ReSharp program.
In the afternoon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m,, your helpful experts at Greenfield Great Lakes Ace will be holding an Outdoor Power demo. Just in time for those spring yard clean up chores customers will have a chance to experience the power and agility of the dreamed about, EGO, DeWalt or Milwaukee outdoor power tools.
For those shopping for their next backyard BBQ there will be grill demos all weekend. Sunday the expert from Big Green Egg will be showing the versatility and taste of food prepared on a Big Green Egg.
David and his team want to invite the entire neighborhood in to celebrate. “It is a pleasure to serve our neighbors in Greenfield as a neighbor, employer and trusted source for reliable advice assisting our customers get everything they need to complete their projects.” explains Townes.
Visit for more details. Great Lakes Ace Hardware operates 64 locations in neighborhoods in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Offering helpful advice, personal service, nationally recognized brands and essential household services such as screen repair propane services and many other household services.

Celebrate March for Meals 2023
Support our senior neighbors to extend their independence and health as they age.
On March 22, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 and established a national nutrition program for seniors 60 years and older. For 50 years, these critical programs – commonly referred to as Meals on Wheels – have delivered more than just nutritious meals to homebound seniors in virtually every community across the country. And, the dedicated staff and volunteers who deliver these meals each week provide a vital lifeline and connection to the community, which are sometimes all it takes to keep our senior neighbors at home, where they want to be.
Meals on Wheels programs have come together each March since 2002 to celebrate this proven collaboration of local community organizations, businesses, all levels of government and compassionate individuals to ensure that our seniors are not forgotten. By volunteering, donating or speaking out, you can ensure the seniors in your neighborhood can live more healthy, happy and independent lives at home, where they want to be.
How to Join the March!
- The 2023 Community Champions Week will be celebrated between March 20-24. During this time, local Meals on Wheels programs invite local, state and federal officials, local celebrities and other prominent community figures to safely deliver meals, speak out for seniors and raise awareness for the power of their work. Learn more.
- Celebrate Locally: Celebrations and opportunities will vary by location, so it’s best to reach out to your local Meals on Wheels program for details! On Friday, March 24, we will celebrate Community Champions Day with local First Responders, Mrs. Hancock County Amanda Westfall, and more. Find a local program near you.
- Learn More about Meals on Wheels! Our nation’s senior population is growing exponentially, outpacing the resources available to serve vulnerable older adults and putting their health and well-being in jeopardy. Meals on Wheels is a proven public-private partnership that effectively addresses the challenges of aging by promoting health and improving quality of life for at-risk seniors. By leveraging the existing Meals on Wheels network, we have the opportunity to not only keep seniors healthy and independent at home, where they want to be, but also save billions in tax dollars by keeping them out of more costly healthcare alternatives. Learn more.
- Support Meals on Wheels with a Donation. One of the most cost-efficient ways you can support Meals on Wheels is to donate to them via payroll deduction through your employer’s workplace giving program (Don’t have a program? Click here to have your employer contact our team.) You can also click here to donate via credit card on Meals on Wheels of Hancock County’s website now.
What’s in a Knock? from Meals on Wheels America on Vimeo.
15th Annual Subaru Share the Love® Strives for $250 Million
This holiday season, Subaru of America, Inc. has launched a national advertising campaign in support of the 2022 Subaru Share the Love® Event, highlighting the causes that embody the Subaru Love Promise® – the Subaru vision to show love and respect to all people, and pets, at every interaction to make the world a better place, simply because it is the right thing to do.

This year, Subaru and its participating retailers are supporting four returning national charity partner beneficiaries, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®), Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels America® and the National Park FoundationTM The creative spots will shine a light on each organization’s cause and how they make a difference.
The advertising spots will also showcase hometown charities that are hand-selected by Subaru retailers across the country that will also benefit from the Subaru Share the Love Event during its milestone 15th year. Subaru and its retailers are hopeful of being able to donate more than $250 million to these organizations, and the four national charity partners, by the end of this year’s event.
“The Subaru Share the Love Event is one of the most important times of the year for our retailers and by giving back in such a significant way, we demonstrate that Subaru is More Than a Car Company and our retailers are More Than a Car Dealer,” said Alan Bethke, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Subaru of America, Inc. “It means so much to our retailers, and us at Subaru of America, to hear stories about the impact these funds have on so many different causes, people and pets across the country.”
The advertising spots were created by Subaru of America with agency partner Carmichael Lynch, and will run on national television, digital video, and social media platforms. Paid media partners include CNN, NBC, Hallmark Channel, Discovery+, Twitter, CBS News The Uplift, Amazon Streaming TV, YouTube, Hulu. Spanish-language translated versions of the :30 and :15 advertising spots will run on Univision, Telemundo, and Peacock.
The creative campaign brings to life the efforts made by each of the national charity partners and how these causes directly impact those they serve. Vignettes include:
Portraits of Love – For the past 15 years, Subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Make-A-Wish and Meals on Wheels. And the largest corporate donor to the ASPCA and the National Park Foundation. By the end of this year, Subaru and our retailers will have donated over $250 million to charity. When you get a new Subaru during the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru will donate $250 to the charity of your choice.
Love is Local – Subaru and our retailers are dedicated to giving back to our local communities. In fact, through the Subaru Share the Love Event, Subaru retailers have supported over 1,700 hometown charities. And by the end of this year, Subaru and our retailers will have donated over $250 million to charity. This is what makes Subaru retailers more than car dealers and Subaru More Than a Car Company.
Providing Meals, Meals on Wheels – Subaru and our retailers love seniors. That’s why Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Meals on Wheels. Through the Subaru Share the Love Event and other efforts we have delivered nearly 4 million meals.
These spots are available to view on the Subaru of America YouTube channel here:
For any new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased at one of the more than 630 retailers from Thursday, November 17, 2022, through Tuesday, January 3, 2023, Subaru will donate $250 to the purchaser’s choice of charity*. Retailers can also add up to two local hometown charities to receive an additional $50 for each vehicle sold or leased. Additionally, 417 participating Subaru retailers will donate an additional $5 to their registered hometown charity partner for every routine Subaru vehicle service visit during the campaign period.
Since 2008, Subaru and its participating retailers have donated more than $227 million and supported over 1,700 hometown charities to help those in need through the Subaru Share the Love Event.
- To learn more, visit:
- Follow Subaru on Facebook:
- Join the conversation: #ShareTheLove
*Disclaimer: Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 17, 2022, through January 3, 2023, to four national charities designated by the purchaser or lessee. Pre-approved Hometown Charities may be selected for donation depending on retailer participation. For every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased during the campaign period, participating retailers will donate a minimum of $50 in total to their registered Hometown Charities. Subaru will donate a total of $5 to their registered Hometown Charities for every Subaru vehicle routine service visit during the campaign period. A routine visit includes customer payment of $5 or greater, or any service that includes a genuine Subaru oil filter. Purchasers/lessees must make their charity designations by January 13, 2023. The four national charities will receive a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 each. See your local Subaru retailer for details or visit All donations made by Subaru of America, Inc.
Ani-meals Blog: Pets, Parasites and People
Courtesy Thomas Dock, Noah’s Brandywine Animal Hospital
Intestinal Parasite Awareness
“Be sure to bring a fecal sample when Fluffy comes in for her visit!”
How many times have you heard a veterinary receptionist, technician or even the veterinarian say that? Do you wonder why we have such a strong passion for seeing poop from your pet?
The answer to that question may not be the most appealing thing to you, but it does have a direct impact on the health of your pet AND of your whole family! Almost every puppy or kitten born into this world will come fully equipped with either roundworms or hookworms (or both) already living inside of them. These intestinal parasites are passed to the young animals from the mom through the placenta or through nursing and can be deadly to the young animal.
Adult animals will also carry these parasites, although there is much less danger to them. They tend to shed eggs from the parasites during times of stress. At the website,, you can track how prevalent these parasites are in your state and county.
But the bigger danger is actually to the two-legged members of your family. Both hookworms and roundworms are zoonotic, meaning they can be passed to humans from animals. We are not the normal hosts for these parasites, so their migration through our body can cause some serious issues, especially in children.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 15% of the population of the United States has been infected with roundworms. In rare cases, children develop blurry vision, eye pain or have even had an eye removed due to the presence of roundworm larva. Hookworm larva actually burrow into our skin and travel through the body in the connective tissue. This condition is known as cutaneous larva migrans and is reported to be extremely uncomfortable due to the itchiness.
What About Heart Disease?
Another parasite that causes significant issues for our dogs and cats are heartworms. Unlike intestinal parasites, these foot-long worms live in the hearts and lungs of our pets. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes, and it just takes one to infect your furry friend. Sadly, many pets die each year from this preventable disease.
So, what’s the best thing to keep you and your WHOLE family safe? Just follow a few simple rules:
First, listen to what your mother said and WASH YOUR HANDS! This is a great way to keep any of the parasite’s microscopic eggs from finding their way to your mouth when you eat. Parents should take extra care to make sure children clean their hands, especially after playing with pets or running in the yard where animals might defecate.
Second, pick up your pet’s poop and dispose of it. The sooner you can get it out of the yard, the less chance the parasite eggs will have to hatch and release infective larva.
The Vet Recommends …
Third, keep your pet current on monthly heartworm prevention, every month, all year long, even in the cold winter months. These medications will help to control roundworm and hookworm infestations and limit the number of eggs shed into your yard and will stop the heartworm larva from growing up to be adult heartworms!
Finally, don’t be shy when it comes to checking your pets for parasites. We should check stool samples at least every 6 months, and although twice a year may seem excessive to you, both roundworms and hookworms have a life cycle that can be completed in less than a month. An annual blood test to screen for heartworms should also be done. These testing protocols help veterinarians find the nasty parasites before for your pets or family develop serious health problems.
Call Noah’s Brandywine at (317) 462-7818 to make a free appointment for your pet by July 1, 2022!
This season, take as good care of your pets as you do yourself with healthy check-ups and preventative care. Thanks to a Meals on Wheels America grant, we’re able to provide pet food, adoption, vet services, grooming and boarding for Meals on Wheels clients. And great news, we’re partnering with Noah’s Brandywine Animal Hospital to help you go the extra mile for your pet through our new Ani-meals program!
Sign up your pet for an appointment for the FREE
MOW pet preventative package that may include:
• Annual physical exam and vaccinations
• Recommended bloodwork
(including heartworm test and health screening panel)
• Stool test to screen for intestinal parasites
• 1-year supply of parasite prevention
(including flea/tick, heartworm, intestinal parasite control)
Contact Noah’s Brandywine Animal Hospital at (317) 462-7818 to set up a FREE pet appointment.
Book today! Offer expires July 1, 2022.*
Call Meals on Wheels at (317) 477-FOOD for meal and pet food delivery questions.
*Must be a client enrolled in the Meals on Wheels of Hancock County program for complimentary pet care.